Greenfilled Is Empowering New Year’s Resolutions

The Spanish Supplement Brand’s Products Are Turning Fitness and Mental Wellness Goals Into Reality in 2023

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla., Jan. 10, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — As 2022 comes to a close, individuals everywhere continue to look for ways to shake off the negative aspects related to a pandemic, prolonged social distancing, and economic woes. Resolutions are a classic way to start a new year. They pave the way for improvement by setting (ideally) attainable goals.

Statista reports that in 2022 Americans focused on many resolutions that pertained to improving physical and personal health. 7% wanted to exercise more. 20% wanted to lose weight. Nearly a quarter of those asked said they simply wanted to live healthier or focus on personal improvement or happiness. These are all impressive objectives, and they’re easy to aspire to in December. But achieving New Year’s resolutions is notoriously difficult. In fact, as little as 9% of those who create resolutions actually keep them.

One of the most important ways to come through on a resolution is to create a support system. This can (and should) include human help and accountability, but it should go further. Individuals should look for tools that can empower them to reach their goals in 2023 — and when it comes to areas like physical and mental health, Greenfilled has a range of the best of these health and wellness tools available.

“Everything we research and develop at Greenfilled is done with the goal of contributing to the good health and quality of life for our customers,” says Greenfilled COO Enrique Castaño, “Whether it’s improving memory, reducing stress, or enhancing performance, our supplements use the ancient power of the ocean to empower individuals to achieve their health and wellness goals.”

The “ancient power of the ocean” that Castaño is referring to has to do with the brand’s flagship ingredient, TetraSOD®. The unique ingredient is a potent form of superoxide dismutase (SOD for short) sourced from ocean-based phytoplankton. The SOD enzyme is a basic building block of health that functions as a critical antioxidant defense against oxidative stress. Each of Greenfilled’s supplements utilizes TetraSOD® to enhance the basic health of cells throughout the body. On top of that, additional natural ingredients, such as Ashwagandha and Ginko Biloba, are used to improve energy and memory, respectively.

By taking Greenfilled supplements, individuals lay a solid, healthy foundation heading into the new year. This makes it easier to achieve resolutions, whether it’s going to the gym consistently, being more present and focused, or simply improving one’s overall lifestyle and quality of life.

About Greenfilled

Greenfilled is a health and wellness brand founded by the Spain-based Marine Biotech Company Fitoplancton Marino. The parent company’s mission is to research, develop, and supply microalgae-based products that improve health and quality of life. Greenfilled is a manifestation of this mission, with the brand’s supplements utilizing sustainably farmed, high-quality phytoplankton that delivers robust levels of the antioxidant enzyme Super Oxide Dismutase (SOD) through its flagship ingredient TetraSOD®. Greenfilled products help with many health concerns, including rest, recovery, energy levels, and cognitive clarity. Learn more at

Enrique Castaño
Sales & Business Development Director
Fitoplancton Marino, S.L
Phone + 34 620003888

SOURCE Greenfilled