LAMBERTVILLE, N.J., Nov. 17, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — The COVID crisis continues to wreak havoc in our lives and relationships. As divorce lawyers predict a tsunami of divorce filings post-lockdown, many people are wondering if their marriages will survive. With the holidays right around the corner and January (aka, “Divorce Month”) fast approaching, anxiety levels are skyrocketing.

To the rescue comes Sonia Frontera. In her new book, Relationship Solutions: Effective Strategies to Heal Your Heart and Create the Happiness You Deserve, she reveals the shortcuts from heartache to healing—whether you and your spouse stay together or divorce.
“Divorce is devastating. People contemplating or going through a divorce feel like it is the end of the world and can’t envision being happy ever after,” says Frontera. “But what they don’t realize at the time is that life does get better and that they can take simple steps to speed up the process and spare themselves from needless suffering.”
Frontera shows them how, leading readers on a journey of self-discovery and personal transformation. She delivers sound advice with compassion and humor, so people experiencing marital strife can:
- Understand how they ended up in an unsatisfying relationship and what they need to be happy in a marriage.
- Examine the viability of their marriages.
- Make the divorce decision with confidence.
- Have an amicable divorce if their relationship is not salvageable.
- Create the happiness they deserve with their spouses or alone.
Frontera is a divorce lawyer and the survivor of a toxic marriage who’s been happily remarried for 14 years. She has supported domestic violence survivors as an advocate, speaker and empowerment trainer. She is a Certified Canfield Success Principles Trainer and offers inspiring workshops and retreats.
The secret is out. Whether you’re unhappily married, on the road to divorce recovery or somewhere in between, this guide offers practical strategies to gain clarity and experience a fulfilling life.
Relationship Solutions: Effective Strategies to Heal Your Heart and Create the Happiness You Deserve ($15.99, ISBN 978-1-7335695-4-5), a 284-page paperback published by Coventina House, is available at most major online book retailers and directly from the author at
To the Media: Sonia Frontera can provide advice, story ideas, articles, background and commentary. She responds quickly to media requests. Contact her at [email protected] or by phone at (908) 881-5095.
Visit Sonia Frontera’s Website, Connect with her on Twitter and on Facebook
Sonia Frontera’s high-resolution photo is at
SOURCE Sonia Frontera